Serve additional context from within the camunda webapp


this is a call for help, based on this issue in the spring boot starter extension.

My question to someone familiar with the webapp is: how could this be solved, if you forget about spring boot for a moment. Just rearrange the war so that internally, all the camundawebapp-stuff is served under /camunda/[api|app] and an additional “HelloWorld” servlet on /app

There are a lot of “dirty” tricks done with content filtering and endpint substitution … I do not get a grip on this issue.

Anyone cares to take a moment and provide a snippet with the above requirements? I will than adopt it to the spring boot world.

Thank you very much!


I believe this will solve it:
In your file add the following!

server.servlet.context-path=/camunda #or whatever base url you want

You can also change the port: