Save Files Uploaded to Camunda via Javascript

Hi folks,

I’m searching for a solution for this problem.

I am uploading an file into camunda via embedded form.
I want to write an external service (node.js) to archive this file on the server

File {
load: [Function: bound load] AsyncFunction,
createTypedValue: [Function: bound createTypedValue],
__readFile: [Function: readFile],
remotePath: ‘/execution/c541d20b-db3b-11ea-ba16-80193424954a/localVariables/Document/data’,
engineService: EngineService {
workerId: ‘some-random-id’,
baseUrl: ‘http://camunda:8080/engine-rest’,
interceptors: undefined,
request: [Function: bound request] AsyncFunction,
post: [Function: bound post],
get: [Function: bound get],
fetchAndLock: [Function: bound fetchAndLock],
complete: [Function: bound complete],
handleFailure: [Function: bound handleFailure]
filename: ‘Interessengemeinschaft KVK M-S analog A2-1300-0-0-2-V3-H-20180907-2.pdf’,
mimeType: ‘application/pdf’,
content: ‘’

I could not find any solution.

Can you help me?
