REST API / JSON format

I am somewhat new to Camunda and am wondering if there is a built-in or elegant way to consume less ridges JSONs

{"variables”:{“ttlValue”:7000,”destinationCountry”:”DE”} }

instead of what is needed right now
“variables” : {
“ttlValue” : { “value” : 3600, “type” : “Integer” },
“destinationCountry” : { “value” : “DE”, “type” : “String” }

And similarly with the RESPONSES
instead of
“validationRemarks”: {
“type”: “String”,
“value”: “SED needed – for all shipments with Value > USD 2500 except to Canada”,
“valueInfo”: {}
“sedNeeded”: {
“type”: “Boolean”,
“value”: true,
“valueInfo”: {}

just receive
“validationRemarks”: “SED needed – for all shipments with Value > USD 2500 except to Canada”,
“sedNeeded”: true

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@mh007 hopefully not. This is the template for variables which is used in camunda across various operations. if required you can parse the JSON response and extract the details required from it.

the format of submission is actually what is what is making it more cumbersome — I guess I could write a proxy — but was hoping there would be a better way to get this done.

@mh007 what json properties would you prefer to use?

like my example above: {“ttlValue”:7000,”destinationCountry”:”DE”}. would be way easier then the current nested version
“variables” : {
“ttlValue” : { “value” : 3600, “type” : “Integer” },
“destinationCountry” : { “value” : “DE”, “type” : “String” }

Maybe have a config parameter – or a call parameter /simple/. to get the simplified behavior that would avoid having to reprise the complex data structure.