Hi, I would like to configure access to process definitions. From the documentation I can see that I need to specify each process definition I would like to grant access for a specific user/group. However the problem with this is that the RESOURCE_ID_ limit is 255 chars. The number of process definitions I want to define for certain groups is larger than 255 characters. I tried a regex, but that didn’t work.

Is it possible for us to increase the size of this column without having any negative impact?


Hi @Andrew_Henderson,

you can create multiple Authorizations for the same group, e.g. one for each Process Definition. This way, you don’t need to fidget with the column size

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Hi Martin, a regular expression would be really very helpful. I have a deployment that has dozens of subprocesses. To add a new authorization for each of these subprocesses is really painful because I have to switch off a number of checkboxes for each, as you can see here:

an alternative would be the possibility to duplicate an authorization and change only the resource id afterwards

Hi @cjacob,

I think that regular expression will have performance impacts as the authorizations are checked during a access the resources inside the select statement in the database.

But you can add authorizations with code. Either like here: or with the REST API:

Hope this helps, Ingo