Remote catalog is empty message in Eclipse, trying to add Camunda archetypes to Maven

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Tengo el mismo problema :worried: funciona sólo si lo instalo en un sistema operativo windows, pero en mac arroja el error mencionado

Sir, when I access the url “" in Maven Archetypes, I got this message that “Remote catalog is empty”. Please help me out to resolve this problem. How can I use these maven templates.

camunda archetype

Sir, I have used this link [ JFrog ] provided by you and the error of remote cataloge is empty is removed and it showing me 147 archetypes. But when I am going to create new maven project than it show me error “Could not resolve artifact org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-servlet-war:pom:7.11.1”. So please help me to remove this error as soon as possible. I will be very thankful to you.I am also sending you the screenshot.

Hey @kaminidhatwalia

Maybe you can try to remove all the files and directories in the C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\.m2\repository\

Hope this can help you!