Process Instance Start Time is not shown on the Process Instance Runtime view page? (Cockpit)

When you are viewing a process instance list for a process definition the following columns are shown:

  1. State (Check or X)
  2. ID (UUID of Process instance)
  3. Start Time
  4. Business Key

But when you click into a process instance, the information tab on the left does not show Start Time.

Is this done on purpose? I find users continually sending links to a process instance to inspect, but then ask “when did this start?”, and having to navigate back into the Process Instance List and do a filter for the instance ID.

Make sense a JIRA feature request?

Hi @StephenOTT,

the information that is displayed on the process instance runtime view is retrieved from the runtime REST endpoint. This endpoint does not return any time information. In the upcoming 7.8.0 the time start- and end-time will be displayed for the process instance history view, see this JIRA issue.

Best regards

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Thank you that will be helpful!