Process Diagram highliting the User Task is not displayed in Tasklist

Hi to everyone,

My problem is that when I go to Camunda Tasklist and log in with one of my users credentials (like john in the tutorial example of the site) and click on the Diagram tab, my process diagram highlighting the User Task that is waiting for my user to work on it, is not displayed.
I have followed exactly the instructions referenced in the page of the site until that point.

Thank you everyone,


Hi @steftriant,

could be an authorization problem. As far as I know, a user needs at least read access on the process definition level to see the diagram.

Could you login with an admin user and check if the diagram is displayed for them?

Best regards

Hi again mr @sebastian.stamm,

I solved my problem. The problem was that I had not written the correct Resource Id on the table of Process Definition Authorizations in Camunda Admin. I had written only the task Id of my individual user and not the process Id. So, the problem had to do with the naming.

Thank you very much!

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Hi again mr @sebastian.stamm.
I would like to ask you something about the User Task Forms and more specifically about the Embedded Task Forms which are HTML files. I have followed all the steps of the Tutorial Example of the site (Get Started with Camunda and BPMN 2.0) so as to being familiar with the software, as I want to use it for my dissertation thesis but I have some questions on some lines of the code in these forms (unfortunately I am not very familiar with Java yet but I hope to do).
I can not understand very well what do they mean some of the lines in the Start and Task Forms like:

Customer ID
I would like to use similar forms for my BPMN 2.0 process in order to call them from some of the BPMN 2.0 elements in my diagram.

Thank you in advance,

Hi again @sebastian.stamm
In my previous message the lines of the forms which I can not understand are not displayed so I wrote them again:

Customer ID

Thank you again,

Hi @steftriant,

the lines you marked are used for formatting.

This class has nothing to do with Java programming and belongs to Cascding Style Sheets.

Cheers, Ingo

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Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

I would like to mention an issue with the Tasklist.
When I log in with the credentials of my 5 users who are assignee for the 2nd user task in my process diagram, none of them is able to see this task into his/her personal tasklist.
What can I do for this aspect?
I have tried many times to overcome this issue but the result is the same.
Thank you a lot.


Hi @steftriant,

Do the users have the correct filters? Do the users have enough access right to see the process definition?

I would check these points first…

Hi again mr @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

I checked the points mentioned in the relative link about the authorizations and I concluded that my 5 users (they belong to the same group and I have defined them as assignees for the 2nd user task in my process) have access to the tasklist, they can see and claim this task but for some reason they can not complete it because the relative button “Complete” is deactivated.
In Process Definition Authorizations of Admin I have defined for this group of 5 users to have ALL permissions on Resource ID “Process_1” which is the “Process Id” of my process.
What else can I do?
Thank you in advance,


Hi @steftriant,

“Compete is deactivated” triggers “Claim the task first” in my head.

Hope this helps,


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I have the same problem, But I don’t understand your solution. Can you explain it more detail to me? Thanks

Hi @chuyi.

Which of the above issues in this topic bothers you to help you?
