Process Definition and Candidate Groups


What is the recommended approach of assigning process definition to particular candidate groups? I noticed that the repository service doesn’t have the option to be able to query for process definitions with OR clauses for example:

category: ‘XXX’ OR category: ‘XXX’

I would like to assign a candidate group to a process definition and a user within that candidate group is allowed to start an instance of that definition. I couldn’t see any query methods that would either allow me to do an IN or OR clause.


Just noticed candidateStarterGroups but I can’t see how you can query for this within the RepositoryService, did a quick search in GitHub. I’m currently using 7.8.

Hi @aminmc,

You can check this thread.
If you prefer to use java, please check:

Best regards,

Hi @yana.vasileva

The thread is related to tasks whereas I’m looking at the process definition level. I need to be able to apply a filter on people who can see a list of process definitions.


Hi @aminmc,

I am sorry, my previous reply is not relevant at all.
Unfortunately it is not possible to query for candidate group within the Repository service.
Feel free to open pull request for such option or another possibility is native queries.

Best regards,