Priority of boundary events

Beeing a newby in Camunda, I tried to draw a process in Camunda modeler.

Can a task have multiple boundary event? If so, can a task have multiple conditional boundary events?
In my process I needed to have a non interrupting conditional boundary event and an interrupting one on the same task. Conditions of these two can be satisfied at the same time. In which order are events being triggered? Does interrupting one has priority over the non-interrupting one? Can events have custom priorities?

Thank you in advance,

Hi JuLog,

Yes to both questions.

Not sure what the BPMN specification says, but the process engine does not define this, i.e. any of them could trigger first. If the interrupting event triggers first, I expect the other to not trigger anymore.

No to both questions.

If you explain your use case, the community may come up with a proper solution in BPMN.

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