Oracle Database for camunda doesn't work


How can I configure the Oracle database in camunda spring boot application? I used a configuration in yml file
etc. but it doesn’t work correctly (on h2 database works properly).
On first activity, camunda can’t run it and move to the next activity, only stay on the first activity

Thanks for help

Could you please explain what do you mean:

Is the engine running?

I send POST request to camunda http://localhost:8080/rest/engine/default/process-definition/key/SAMPLE-PROCESS/start with empty JSON and process started.
I turn on debug mode and I see only org.camunda.bpm.engine.bpmn.behavior : ENGINE-02002 Leaving activity ‘StartEvent_1’. And nothing happend

I also can’t see tasks in tasklist and cockpit

with body {“processInstanceId”:“36c2a5a8-3c10-11e9-bb85-5238f8c3c7c3”,“processDefinitionId”:“SAMPLE-PROCESS:6:25338f6f-3c10-11e9-bb85-5238f8c3c7c3”,“sorting”:[{“sortBy”:“created”,“sortOrder”:“desc”}],“activityInstanceIdIn”:[]}
return empty list but tasklist exist

Hi @anik,

how did you deploy your process to the engine?
And can you share your bpmn-file?

@MichiDahm I used the default process to deploy.
My BPMN file has First user task with asyncBefore true and second activity service with expresion ${execution.setVariable(‘test’,2’)} with asyncBefore true

I treid to create 2 service task with expresion ${execution.setVariable(‘test’,2’)} and with asyncBefore true but still not move

Something doesn’t work when I select asyncBefore on service task and user task, maybe I didn’t add some configuration?

Now I know everything, I use Oracle 11 and for this database, I need to add to my application.yml parameter camunda.bpm.database.jdbc-batch-processing: false