OptimisticLockingException at a parallel gateway

Hi everyone,
Its written in documentation, that one strategy to deal with OptimisticLockingExceptions at a parallel gateway is to configure the gateway to use asynchronous continuations. So i configured it like on this image (T - async):


But now on OptimisticLockingException my “UpdateNotification” task begin do retrying by itself, though there is a transaction boundary between it and Parallel gateway.

Please, explain, where i must to set async, if Notification service must be called succesfully only once.

Hi @raliev,

mark the parallel gateway and the tasks as async before instead of async after.

Is there a reason to make the end event async after?

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thank you for advice, @Ingo_Richtsmeier.
Now I marked gateway with asyncBefore too, hope this helps - in load testing it works good.
I will write if there will be problems again

Hi, @Ingo_Richtsmeier! I have tested 15-20 configurations of async-s with Jmeter, but i couldn’t find solution for this bug yet (

Some details:

  • the error occurs at the first time after long idle of services (one of them - mail-send connector), that i call
  • service calling and parallel gateway are in subtask
  • With this error job does 3 retries with 5 min period - even if i set async retry to R1/PT1M. May be this is any default retry config?

I’ve found only one 5 min default period - lockTimeInMillis - maybe this retries execution i see?

Hi raliev, can you please share the link where you found this strategy. We are facing a similar issue and want to know more. Also is this issue completely resolved? @raliev