“Ooops, we could not display this diagram!”

I was working on BPMN file in Modeler but I can not open it anymore.

The error message:

Ooops, we could not display this diagram!
no diagram to display
Do you believe “Luftronix-FlightControl-v002.bpmn” is valid BPMN or DMN diagram?

Here is the file: Luftronix-FlightControl-v002.bpmn


Your namespace prefix is missing, it should be something like this:

<definitions ... xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" <!--it is define here-->
 <di:BPMNDiagram id="xxx">
    <di:BPMNPlane id="xxx" bpmnElement="xxx">

Does this help you?

How did you create the diagram, or you changed the namespaces manually?

Best regards,

Sorry, but it doesn’t really help me :frowning:

It was created with HEFLO, then I imported it to Modeller and edited it there.
BTW Modeller opens HEFLO files without the namespace prefixes.
Here is an example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1n9n2wneakt4i3p/HEFLO.bpmn?dl=1


The file has some xml errors. Several time has the “Attribute xmlns redefined” error.
My suggestion is to retry the import again with old version of the working file.
Otherwise you have to resolve those errors one by one.

Best regards,

OK, thanks.
It seems that HEFLO generates invalid files, and editing in Modeller corrupts them even more…