Non-interrupting conditional boundary event is continuously running till the main process is completed

non-interrupting conditional boundary event is continuously running till the main process is completed.

Does the non interrupting event ever stops?

Do we need to update the execution variable once the process is done?

@sudha_iyer are you updating the same variable used in conditional event on different invocations? whenever you send that variable part of different invocations with different values it will trigger based on the event types like create/update/delete.

im not updating the value of process variable. but still the non interrupting flow is not getting executed again and again till the main process is running.

can you upload your bpmn model?

the uploaded bpmn doesn’t have conditional boundary event

i uploaded the wrong is the right one!

test.bpmn (10.0 KB)

what does this expression ${postCheckNotify} ? do you have any scenario at when this need to be evaluated? like on variable/entity update/delete/create?

Yes, this condition i need to evaluate in a multi instance call activity when a particular instance is called

in your case you didn’t specified when the conditional event need to be triggered, so it will be get executed multiple times whenever the condition matches.

if you want to ensure at certain event only this condition need to be evaluated you can configure additional attributes like camunda:variableEvents="update" , you can configure more than one events in comma seperated values. supported events are create, update & delete.

To prevent the continuous evaluation of a condition, the evaluation can be restricted to specific variable changes. For that, the Camunda extension attributes camunda:variableName and camunda:variableEvents can be used.

configure the below marked attributes to control the execution of boundary event.



Even after adding variable name for the event properties, i could not fix the issue. Also i have added output parameters in the script task , even after that the event is processing for more than one time.