.NET external task

Hi all, do we have any sample C# console app to instantiate an external task, please. I’d like to read a guideline if camunda has it for C#. Thank you.

@hello.aliasad you can refer these posts.

“Use Camunda as an easy-to-use REST-based orchestration and workflow engine (without touching Java)” by Bernd Rücker.

var camunda = new CamundaEngineClient("http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine/default/", null, null);
// Deploy the BPMN XML file from the resources
camunda.RepositoryService.Deploy("trip-booking", new List<object> {
       FileParameter.FromManifestResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "FlowingTripBookingSaga.Models.FlowingTripBookingSaga.bpmn") 

// Register workers
registerWorker("reserve-car", externalTask => {
  // here you can do the real thing! Like a sysout :-)
  Console.WriteLine("Reserving car now...");
  camunda.ExternalTaskService.Complete(workerId, externalTask.Id);
registerWorker("cancel-car", externalTask => {
  Console.WriteLine("Cancelling car now...");
  camunda.ExternalTaskService.Complete(workerId, externalTask.Id);
registerWorker("book-hotel", externalTask => {
  Console.WriteLine("Reserving hotel now...");
  camunda.ExternalTaskService.Complete(workerId, externalTask.Id);
// Register more workers...


string processInstanceId = camunda.BpmnWorkflowService.StartProcessInstance("FlowingTripBookingSaga", new Dictionary<string, object>()
    {"someBookingData", "..." }
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