Need urgent help on 404 Rest error

I have custom application and using REST- API to test it

Getting 404 error on tomcat whereas it works fine on weblogic


while deploying application, i see below error. i think both are linked
16-Jul-2017 16:30:53.803 SEVERE [localhost-startStop-1] com.sun.jersey.server.impl.container.servlet.JerseyServletContainerInitializer.addServletWithApplication Mapping conflict. A Servlet declaration exists with same mapping as the Jersey servlet application, named sareaEvcProcess.main.SareaEvcProcessRestApplication, at the servlet mapping, /rest/*. The Jersey servlet is not deployed.

Hi @srikanth6428,

Did you bundle Jersey as Jax-RS implementation with your custom application?
Difference between Tomcat and WebLogic (WLS) is that WLS is an application server, which contains all implementation for JavaEE, so also a JAX-RS implementation: Jersey.
Tomcat does not ship any JAX-RS implementation by default, you need to bundle it with your custom application.


I did below in pom.xml


Still not working

This error message means that some servlet mapping is not correct. Check for duplicates inside your web.xml / annotation driven config and remove one.