Need advice on BPM (Cancellation of a process)

Im new to Camunda and BPM. Im trying to build a model for a business process which is made of several tasks. Each task represents a state. Some tasks are userTasks, some service tasks etc.
Eg. O(Start event) → Created-> Item Chosen → Processed by staff → bla bla bla → Success > O (End event).
I have some other states which are unsuccessful. Eg: “Cancelled By user”, “Cancelled By staff” which should finally lead to “Terminate end Event” and can be performed by user groups “Users” and “Admins” accordingly. The process could be stopped and cancelled at any stage of the workflow above and my problem here is that Im not sure how to implement it.
Question: What is the best approach to use in my case?
Would be very thankful if you guys could give some advice, hints or links to similar cases. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my English, not a native English speaker :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can use an event sub process to stop the process any you want, including when a user may select to cancel the process.

This is an example:

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