Multiple processes/pools per XML

Working with another bpmn modeler, I discovered that the limit of one single process or pool in a single xml is not present in the BPMN 2.0 standard.

In a BPMN 2.0 xml file you can put an arbitrary number of processes and pools. I tried with a camunda engine and the file is accepted without problems! Each process/pool is deployed as a separate process definition with no problems at all.

The problem is only graphical: the camunda modeler and the framework renders ONLY the first process pool present in the xml file.

I don’t understand this limitation because it’s one of the worst drawback in camunda modeler: if I need to model several linked processes i have to save and maintain them in separate files (using separate tabs with no sense of a “IDE project”), and I have to deploy them as a single deployment.

If this limitation is not present, we could work with several linked processes in a single porbale xml file.

Is someone working on it or is it a completely new topic?

I modified bpmn-js and submitted a pull request to add support for rendering specific diagrams

It could be a start for a Camunda Modeler that supports multiple diagrams (multiple processes, collaborations) per XML file

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Thanks, we’ll look into it.

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