Multi Instance Call Activity: unable to use Element Variable

Hello everyone,

I have a problem trying to setup a Parallel Multi Instance Call Activity inside my process.
I want to instantiate as many instance of a Call Activity (another bpmn) as there is in a assignee collection that I generate, and I want to assign a user task to one element of the assignees collection using Element Variable in each instance of the called activity. I’m able to instantiate as many Call Activity as there is element in the collection but I’m not able to access the Element Variable that I set.

Here how looks like my processes:
sample-call-activity sample-multi-instance-call-activity

The collection generation:

The multi instance configuration:

My user task trying to use the Element Variable:

Here is the two bpmn files:
sample-call-activity.bpmn (2.6 KB)
sample-multi-instance-call-activity.bpmn (3.6 KB)

When i try to run the parent process, I’ve got an error: “Cannot resolve identifier ‘assignee’”.
While reading the documentation, my understanding was that the Element Variable would be set as a process variable, but no “assignee” variable is accessible in my called activity.
I tried to display all process variables and no “assignee” process variable is defined.
I tried to map a “assignee” variable from the parent to the called activity without success.
I also tried the loopDataInputRef and inputDataItem approach with the same results.

Is anybody can tell me what am I doing wrong or if this should be done using another approach ?

Thanks in advance,


In sample call activity, you need to set Variables “In Mapping”

Type: source
Source: assignee
Target: assignee

sample-multi-instance-call-activity.bpmn (3.7 KB)


It works fine. I tried do something like this before but I guess I configured the variable wrongly.
Many thanks for your help !