Mask process variables in cockpit


Is there any way to mask process variables in camunda cockpit. i am storing credentials in task variables for security purpose i want to mask the data. if any one knows help me.

Hi @prasad_chinni,

with Camunda BPM 7.11.0 we gonna introduce Advanced Operator Authorizations for Cockpit. This allows you to deny read permission for variables in Cockpit [1]. It is already part of the latest alpha release [2] so feel free to try it out.



Masking is not possible, however I have one approach implemented, you can simply encrypt/decrypt string as per use.

Original == Pramod
Encrypted == Rtcoqf
Decrypted == Pramod

Original == 283kkd@#$#6
Encrypted == 4:5mmfB%&%8
Decrypted == 283kkd@#$#6

Original == 1838844
Encrypted == 3:5::66
Decrypted == 1838844