Manager of group with view and reassign privilege

Hi, is there a way we can create a manager group which can act as others groups supervisor role and view/reassign the tasks assigned to its sub-ordinate groups users?

Hi @satish8784, I have the same question. Did you manage to find an answer for this query?

Hu @Madan_Pannu there is no concept of Manager or supervisor roles as far as camunda Users and group hierarchy go. What I did is create a separate group with higher level of authorizations(group, task & user).

Hi @satish8784, Thanks for the quick response. I have two followup questions.

  1. With the higher level group, Each person in the higher level group can see all the tasks which are being worked upon by everyone not just their subordinate?
  2. How can we maintain hierarchy in group?

I am using camunda tasklist as task portal and have created different filters for different category of tasks. Each filter represents a group of people for whom the tasks in that filter is intended to. The specific manager group you create should have access to these specific filters.

I would recommend you to take a detailed look at tasklist filters and its related authorizations.

Okay. Thanks for help.