Login Failed : Wrong credentials or missing access rights to application

Hi to all users.

Recently, I installed the default Camunda webapps and demo content.
I decided to delete all the demo users accounts, including also the default admin user with the credentials (demo/demo).
So, I had to configure a new administrator account in the setup screen.
I created that user for my pilot project but I decided to fill in his ID in my native language (greek) (e.x. Υπεύθυνος Διαγωνισμού).
So, when I had to login again with the new credentials, I filled in the Username field his ID.
The password is configured in english.

The issue here is that I can’t login with the new credentials of my admin user and I suppose that it has to do with the credentials language.
So, I want to ask here if I must configure any user account in english language.
Are the other languages supported by the engine for configuring credentials?

If so, please let me know if I must also configure any task property in Modeler (e.x. task names, assignee names) in english language.

Thank you,

Hi @steftriant,

I found you a related thread which might be helpful:

Hi @FabianHinsenkamp.

Ok, I’m going to take a look at your attached forum post link here.
For the time being, I connect with english characters on my credentials.

Thank you,