Log out cockpit


I’m able to customise the logout operation within in cockpit using the following:

if(!auth && isLoggedIn) {
//custom SSO logout

The issue is that when I click on the Sign out button on the header it first redirects to Cockpit login screen before redirecting to the main SSO sign page. Is there a way to overwrite the initial cockpit login and just jump straight to my custom SSO login page?


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Same problem… Cockpit isn’t wired like Tasklist, Admin and Welcome. I have a config.js in /cockpit/scripts/ that has a windows/camCockpitConf with deps and paths pointing to my scripts/ssoLogout. When I load the Cockpit page my config.js loads (I stuck a break point in there) but the ssoLogout is never retrieved. Like Cockpit is coded differently and overriding my customScripts, so my paths aren’t seen and scripts aren’t loaded or executed…