Load data for task best practise?


I am wondering what is the best practise loading data for a user task. I want to show all data that was saved in the last user tasks in a new html form in a new usertask (e.g.“Show Data”). So I have to fill the variables that are in the html form “show_data.html”.

 <div class="form-group">
<label for="firstName">Vorname:</label>
<input class="form-control"
       name="firstName" readonly="readonly"readonly="readonly"/>

Therefore I need access to the delegate execution object to set the data in the variables:

 delegateExecution.setVariable("firstName", firstName);
	delegateExecution.setVariable("lastName", lastName)

I thought, a tasklistener at the event “create” should do this. But I do not know how to get the delegate execution object.

In the task listener I only have the delegateTask object.

public class LoadDataForSecTaskListener implements TaskListener{

public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {



But I am also not sure if it is the right way - maybe there is some other way to set the data?

Thanks for you ideas!


I have got another question which is related to my first question. In my process I always have a usertask where someone can fill in his data. To save the data I have a service task after that.


public void saveOrUpdateMasterData(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) throws OFVPersistenceException { ...

	            Map<String, Object> variables = delegateExecution.getVariables();    
managedStudent.setThmUid((String) variables.get("thmUid"));
	managedStudent.setFirstName((String) variables.get("firstName"));
	managedStudent.setLastName((String) variables.get("lastName")); ...


Is it better to do this with a listener? For the user that looks at the process diagram it would be more “beautiful” if he has not to see every service task, I think. But then I need the delegateExecution object, too.

Hi @NickiMueller,

it depends. If you need the “Save masterdata” task after each user task and the business people didn’t like the additional service task, I would hide the call in a listener.

Form the other side: as listeners are hiding information from the reader of the process model, I’m using them carefully.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,
thank you for the reply. This answers my second question. I only save my “masterdata” one time, so do it in a service task.
Have you got ideas about loading data for a user task? (I described my problem in the first thread). When I want to load data with a task listener (is that best practise?) how can I set the process variables? The method “notify” only gives me “delegateTask” and I need “delegateExecution” for set processVariables.

Thanks a lot,


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