Know the user that completed a form from history


I need to know the name of the user who completed every user task from history. Is this possibile in a general setting, should this be logged in history when it’s set to ‘FULL’ ?

Actually i found few solutions like:

  • Using cam-sdk to inject camunda user from the form javascript (this solution is not safe, the javascript can be modified by client)
  • Using the task listener that gives me the user on the ‘complete’ event.

I wish to add a configuration or a general listener that saves the user for whatever user task I make. Is this possible ?

@Mizar01, you could use the User Operation Log for this:

Is this suitable for you?



I simply used the assignee of the HistoricTaskInstance.
In case you want to complete as task, you first have to assign to yourself.
So the assignee should be the one who completed it, or am I missing something?

Regards, Frank


I had a problem with the History Log Level so I wasn’t correctly viewing those useful data.

That should be enough to view a list of user that did complete a task. Thanks again.