Java delegate cannot be found after timer expires

Java delegate cannot be found after timer

I have a task which is set with “multi instance”. When without (1) the timer, everything works good. I did see this task repeated 3 times as expected.

However, after put a timer there, it is broken. After the first run of the task, the process waited for 1 minute as set in the timer duration. after that, it raised an error saying the Java Delegate cannot be resolved.

I did a lot of research. Some said it should set the job executor to be deploymentAware. That’s what I tried,

It does not fix the issue. I suspect there might be some other processes picked up this job, so I used the cockpit to query and there is only this process running. (I’ve disabled job execution for cockpit).

REST says there is only 1 instance running.

and all running executions are belong to this instance. nothing else

So, it seems there is no other process picking up this job…

Then after timer expires, why the Java delegate becomes unresolvable?


@Niall, it seems a job executor issue. But I’m not sure what exactly is causing this problem. Could you advise how to fix it? Thanks!