Is it possible to create a process in camunda modeler just with modeler?

hi every body!

in a special situtation we want to create and deploy a process with camunda modeler with out any java class!
is it possible??

Yes, depending on your architecture, if the model in question is implemented service tasks by using java delegates then it may not find them in run time if deployed via the modeler

ok! can you help me?? what to do that with out any java code?!

If your model is not dependent on java code you can just deploy it via the modeler or the rest API. thats all

even db service and service tsaks?
please help me if we want to declare service task without java code like connection to db!
thanks alot men!

because of my question is we want to use camunda with out any java code.this is our architecture.

The you just need to use the External Task Pattern - you can follow this video tutorial do understand it better

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You could potentially use Script tasks as well but you’ll need to add those scripts to your deployment. And you would not be able to deploy just from Modeler, you would either deploy it using Cockpit or from another client using REST.