Inconsistent behaviour or ResultVariable fields


I am experiencing an inconsistent behaviour in Result variable field. I would like my result variable to be defined by an expression. I can define a Script task as follows:

<bpmn:scriptTask id="Activity_1a802zc" name="Parse response" scriptFormat="groovy" camunda:resultVariable="${myMap.resultVariableName}" camunda:resource="${myMap.parsingScript}">

and the result of such script really gets saved to a variable with the same name as the string in myMap.resultVariableName.

For Business Rule Task this is not the case .

<bpmn:businessRuleTask id="Activity_19f3jng" name="My Checks"  camunda:resultVariable="${myMap.resultVariableName}" camunda:decisionRef="${myDMN.dmn}" camunda:mapDecisionResult="singleResult">

My variable is saved with name “${myMap.resultVariableName}”.

What causes such inconsistency? The documentation on both Script task and Business rule task point to Camunda BPMN Extension Attributes | when I click on camunda:resultVariable. Why is the behaviour different and how can I use expression as a resultVariable in Business rule task?

Thanks, Jan