I am getting this error in java.. "Could not resolve function 'S'". Can you help me with this please

I want to assign the task to multiple users,using multi instance parallel flow
I am using collection Object as below
Creating list object in listeners
var DocList ={

"ListOfData" :[
{deptCode : "user1"},
{deptCode : "user2"},
{deptCode : "user3"},	


Collection Object:

and in parallel instance I am using connector value as my url:
I am getting error as Could not resolve function ‘S’" in java side
Added spin-bom dependency and camunda engine dependencies.

Here is my bpmdiagram_1.bpmn (7.8 KB)
Please fix this

Hey @sai_vamsi ,

What error do you get exactly and when? Which version of Camunda are you using? What should the service task do in the end? Is there a reason why you use Connectors? Might be easier to use an External Task or a Java Delegate depending on your architecture and intention.

Just a hint for your model: After User A you use a conditional sequence flow. As this is the only outgoing sequence flow there is no need to use a condition. In general I would recommend not to use the conditional sequence flows and rather stick to the gateways. That makes the model more readable and transparent.

Kind regards