Http-connector and assigning output results to an instance variable

Hi Paul,

Good point, Lately Im using 7.7 alpha1. In this environment and groovy script, connector.setVariable(…) works fine…


Nice fined.

Just a idea (have not tested)

Could you use the Output Mapping until the bug is fixed?

in your WsResponse connector output just change that to be a value of response;.
Then in the Input/Output tab, create an output that runs the script you previously used in the WsResponse, and change your code from connector.setVariable back to execution..

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Hi ,

I cannot understand the parameters you have declared for the output variables.

I have declared the input variables as you have mentioned in the example.

I have written a REST API in my localhost, that returns a string “Hello world”. I need to capture this output from the Rest API and print that in the process instance or capture in a variable.

I am totally new to Camunda. Can you help me out?