How to use multi tenancy with embedded engine?

I’d like to use multi tenancy with different schema, but I have no ideia how to start, what configuration I need to do to accomplish that? Or isn’t possible to use multi tenancy on embedded engine?

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Please refer this
and this

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Also see:

Although this should be possible, it fails due to different class path scanning behavior depending on whether you run the app from IDE or console.

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Creating another process Engine programmatically not solve the problem?

ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl configuration = new StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration();

ProcessEngine processEngine = configuration.setIdGenerator(new StrongUuidGenerator())


hi @alanfosk, apparently it created another process engine, but when I call JavaDelegate as Java Class the @Autowired annotation is injecting null value when the process engine is not the ‘default’, and when I call JavaDelegate using Delegate Expression it returns a exception:

org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: Unknown property used in expression: #{logger}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier ‘logger’

Running two embedded engines would require the spring autowiring to distinguish between those engines … this is not supported in the starter, as we agreed that if you had the need of running multiple engines in a microservice environment, you would just set up another node for the other engine.

If this assumption turns out to be not sufficient for actual runtime problems, please file a feature request in the camunda jira.