How to use dmn table in bpm model

Hi. I have process and DMN-table
dinner-dmn.dmn (3.2 KB)
camunda-dmn.bpmn (3.7 KB)
When i try run it after user form i get error:

The process could not be started. : Cannot instantiate process definition ChooseDish:5:ea6d18f4-e34f-11e8-b685-b8ca3aa676a6: no decision definition deployed with key ‘dish’ and tenant-id ‘1.0’: decisionDefinition is null

I cant figure out what wrong with this dmn. Can enybody give direction?
@kristin you are always helpful to me, do you have any idea about it?

You should remove the tenant ID from when calling the DMN model from your BPMN process unless you’re using tenants.

@Niall thank you for your advice