How to setup camunda as a cluster with community edition?

We are trying to setup camunda as a cluster. Can you point to some examples/docker-compose to setup camunda as a cluster.

OptimiZer seems available only in enterprise edition. We are trying to setup without it for now.

Is there a way to sync up the deployments of the camunda model through rest-api in a clustered camunda setup?

We are using Postgres database

Just setup two camunda nodes that point to the same database - they should be identical in terms of deployments and settings.

Add a load balancer in front of the nodes - if you’re using cockpit you’ll need to use sticky sessions.

Depending on how you actually deploy processes - via REST or through the use of a WAR file certain changes will need to be made to the engine settings.

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When we deploy through REST api, what settings we gotta use?

We are using kubernetes (3 camunda pod running) in this case dont need a load-balancer rite?

If you deply via rest the default engine settings are fine - you can deploy to any node and all of them will know about the new deployment.

Not sure - give it a try and let me know if it works out.

I am trying to work something out on the same lines and here is the issue I faced. I am deploying the process as an xml file placed inside the resources folder of my spring boot app. Now once Pods are alive and lets say two pods received the request, Cockpit starts showing 2 versions of the same process and it gets really confusing.

Am i missing something like Kubernetes related property or something?

Do you mean two running processes or two versions of the process definition? If the latter, both pods are probably individually deploying the process BPMN file on startup.

If you are using process.xml for deployment, you should be able set isDeployChangedOnly for process archive as in

I have not tried that with auto deploy from resources-directory (which is probably mainly there for development convenience), but seemingly some one has: Configure isDeployChangedOnly for embedded engine in Spring - #3 by rudi