How to resolve the issue of outgoing message transfer between two different pools in camunda?

I have a problem When I use two or more pools in the same process diagram in Camunda process model, the simulation does not work well. In particular, it seems that tokens do not pass through the message flow and so the two pools work separately and not as well as a collaboration diagram.

How can I do to simulate a collaboration diagram?

cross post:

This is expected behaviour. Tokens never move out of their pools. Message flows indicate the communication between 2 processes but this does not involves tokens moving from one pool to another.

It is about the execution of
the process in the camunda platform. In particular, when the process has
two or more pools. the problem is that tokens do not pass through the
message flow and so the two pools work separately and not as a
collaboration diagram. thanks.

If you create a BPMN file which contains 2 processes with message flows there are 2 important things to bear in mind.

  1. Although in the same file, the engine itself treats them as if they are different processes and will deployment individually.
  2. Message flows have no execution semantics. Meaning that they are only for visual reference. You still need to actually implement the message correlation yourself.

Hope that answers your question

thank you for the time you have given me. If you have case studies or tutorials that show how to implement these message flows, can you please hand them to me ?

thank you in advance.

Best place to start would be the getting started guide.
if you’re interested in message events specifically you can take a look here.