How To listen to Claim event in Java

I have extended ServletProcessApplication in Java class to listen to different events happening in Tasks. But I am not able to get when a user ‘claim’ a task.

Following is the way I am getting other events like start, end of a task.


Thanks in advance,
Kulapradip Bharali.

Hi @kulapradip,

could you post your implementation of the ServletProcessApplication?

Do you know the execution / task listener concept?
You can add a task listener to an user task. In this implementation, it is possible to react on different events.

For more information see:


Hi Kristin,

Thank you for your reply. I have created a listener Java class as shown below. But it is not coming inside that when a claim task happens. My question is after having this Java class where to register this class, in which xml ? Should I have it configured somewhere in my bpmn flow xml ?

public class TaskCreateListener implements TaskListener {

public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {
System.out.println(" delegeate task assignee :"+delegateTask.getAssignee());


My Process application looks like this.

public class LeadManagementProcessListener extends ServletProcessApplication{
static CaseRestImpl accessor = CaseRestAccessorSingleton.getInstance();;
// Map<String, String> caseStartInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Map<String, String> taskInfoLookupMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

static final String CASE_INFO = "caseInfo";
static final String CASE_ID = "caseId";
static final String CASE_CREATETIME = "caseCreateTime";
static final String CURRENT_TASK_ID = "currentTaskId";
static final String CURRENT_TASK_CREATE_TIME = "taskCreateTime";

public ExecutionListener getExecutionListener() {
	ProcessEngineConfiguration configuration = new StandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration() {
		    // register the plugin
	System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------inside execution listener");
	try {

		return new ExecutionListener() {
			public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {


				String baseType = execution.getBpmnModelElementInstance().getElementType().getBaseType()
				System.out.println(">>> baseType :" + baseType);

Hi @kulapradip,

you have to add your TaskListener class to the user task in your BPMN xml. See the example below.

 <bpmn:userTask id="userTask" name="userTask>
      <camunda:taskListener class="com.camunda.bpm.workflow.TaskCreateListener" event="assignment" />

If you use the Camunda Modeler to model your process, you can add the listener via the properties panel.


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Hi @kristin,

Thank You very much. I will try with this. One more question though

  • If I have multiple user Tasks, this way I have to go to modeller and add the listener in all of the tasks. But If my implementation is generalised, can I use same listener for all the user tasks instead of configuring for each tasks in bpmn ?

Hi @kulapradip

you can use the reactor plugin. Just implement a global Listener like this:

@CamundaSelector(type = "userTask", event = TaskListener.EVENTNAME_ASSIGNMENT)
public class GlobalUserTaskAssignmentListener extends ReactorTaskListener {

    public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {
        // ... do some generalised stuff

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