How to execute activity optionally without terminating the current flow?

I have a process, where workflow will be initiated and the user will submit the form for first time, and upon successful actions email confirmation will be sent along with password reset link. When the user clicks the password reset link, it should route to usertask activity in workflow, and also it should be optional. If user clicks the password reset link, and updates the credentials, then the workflow should not move to end state, let it allow to proceed for other tasks. So updating password is optional, and updating password in usertask activity shouldn’t terminate the workflow.

How to achieve it?

I have designed it roughly, let me know any good suggestions.

Also i thought about signal non interrupting boundary event would be appropriate:

Is that possible to trigger non interrupting boundary event on sub process via rest api?

You could use a message correlation to kick off the optional flow. Your front-end can either make the message correlation call directly via Camunda REST API or it could post data to a custom http endpoint that uses the java api internally to perform the correlation.

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