How to evalute a array of objects in a dmn table?

I have a external service that gives me an a array of objects with the tags of the customer


Something like this:
0:{Name: ‘TEST18032020’, TagId: 150}
1:{Name: ‘MVPGloria’, TagId: 135}
2:{Name: ‘MVPGLORIA’, TagId: 140}
3:{Name: ‘FirstOverdueFeeLost’, TagId:180

In my DMN table I have to know if at least one of them is in the decisions table:

How should I handle that requirement in my process?
I can’t send the CustomerTag because the DMN table read it as a string

Hi @Fabian_Trejo,

FEEL has a function list contains() that can be used to check if a list contains an item.

In your example, you can check if the customer tags contain one of the given tag names.

Please have a look at the related thread: Using FEEL , does it support "contains" feature in DMN table, tried JUEL but not working

Does this help you?

Best regards,

It works if my Array is a String Array, but how can I select the Name property of the object array?
seomthing like:
list contains(CustomerTags.Name, “A”)

Yes, exactly :+1:

The expression CustomerTags.Name creates a projection of the property “Name”. It returns a list of all the names in the list.