How to deploy a pointed cmmn file to a pointed process engine?

The document shows me how to create ProcessEngineConfiguration and ProcessEngine, and then it shows me how to modify process instances. I don’t know how to manage my process and case defintion files with Repositoryservice. Is there any example?

Hi @YoungYZX,

Could you please be a bit more specific? What do you mean exactly by

how to manage my process and case defintion files with Repositoryservice

Maybe you can provide an example to clear things up.


Hi @YoungYZX,

could you check org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.bpmn.callactivity.CaseCallActivityTest,?

does that help you?

Thanks for your help! It works. These tests teach me so much!

Aakhmerov forum@camunda.com于2017年4月27日周四 下午7:31写道:

Thanks for your help!
aakhmerov provides some
suggestions. Those test codes teach me so much.
Jo Heinem forum@camunda.com于2017年4月27日周四 下午3:38写道: