How to deploy a DRD,and how to get the output of the final decition table

I am using DRD, and I can not get the output of the final table. Can you tell me why?
there are two decision tables: decision1 and decision2. decision1 depends on decision2 in my DRD. I use one rule task and I set its decision ref to decision1, and then I get the output of decision1. If I set the decision ref to the name of the DRD, I cannot start the process and something wrong.
would you please tell me what is wrong with what I have done?
thank you so much.

Hi @cocoylq,

it is not possible to evaluate the entire DRD. You can only evaluate a decision of the DRD. The DRD is just the container and can contain many decision (also independent from each other).

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,

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I appreciate this is an old question but I now find myself in a similar position.

If in a DRD, one Decision Table relies on output from a prior Decision Table (as indicated by an arrow from one to the next in the DRD) then how do I know what I need to execute first?

Is there something in the Java API that describes the ordering that needs to be used, or is it the case that I keep executing the decisions one by one passing an accumulation of values in until they stop erroring (which doesn’t seem very efficient!)

Thanks Steve

I think I’ve just found that if I just execute the final decision (or one further up the chain) then it throws a PropertyNotFoundException for any variables from earlier decision tables if they aren’t specified.

Hi @steve,

when a decision is evaluated then all required decision are evaluated first. This is done by the DMN engine.

Please have a look at the docs:

Does this help you?

Best regards,

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