How to consume JMS message from a queue configured in Jboss Fuse from a spring boot application with Camunda Engine?

Currently I have activeMQ in the classpath with the broker-url, username and password properties in the file and my consumer code below is able to consume the message I post to the queue. How can I replicate the same using Jboss Fuse 6.3.0 version and my spring boot application ?.

public class ActiveMQConsumer {

	CamelContext camelContext;
	ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;

	@JmsListener(destination = "inQueue")
	public void consumeMessage(JSONObject employeeRecord) throws Exception {

		if (employeeRecord instanceof JSONObject) {
			HashMap<String, Object> employeeRecordMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) employeeRecord.toMap();
			Exchange exchange = ExchangeBuilder.anExchange(camelContext).withProperty("employee", employeeRecordMap).build();
			String employeeAdId = (String) employeeRecordMap.get("employeeADId");
			exchange.setProperty("CamundaBpmBusinessKey", employeeAdId);
			producerTemplate.send("camunda-bpm:start?processDefinitionKey=camunda-camel-activeMQ", exchange);