How to call the the xml in the implemetation of field on camunda modeler

how i can call the xml of my diagram in the implementation of a field. for example that is the implementation of message event definition code:

‘use strict’;

var eventDefinitionReference = require(‘./EventDefinitionReference’),
elementReferenceProperty = require(‘./ElementReferenceProperty’);

module.exports = function(group, element, bpmnFactory, messageEventDefinition) {

group.entries = group.entries.concat(eventDefinitionReference(element, messageEventDefinition, bpmnFactory, {
label: ‘Message’,
elementName: ‘message’,
elementType: ‘bpmn:Message’,
referenceProperty: ‘messageRef’,
newElementIdPrefix: ‘Message_’

group.entries = group.entries.concat(elementReferenceProperty(element, messageEventDefinition, bpmnFactory, {
id: ‘message-element-name’,
label: ‘Message Name’,
referenceProperty: ‘messageRef’,
modelProperty: ‘name’,
shouldValidate: true


what i need is is when i add debug(this.xml) to this code, the xml of my diagram will appear in the console

Can someone help me to do that?


this question is apparently related to the properties panel which is part of the bpmn-io toolkits. Please ask such questions in the bpmn-io forum. Thanks!