History Clean up is not working as expected

The history clean up is not working as expected. We still see the records in the [dbo].[ACT_HI_VARINST] table of SQL DB. We have below setting in our application.yaml of springboot-gradle project. The schedule is running as per schedule time. Need help to understand why it is not completely cleaning up the history table.

The older history records are still in table. Is it because of deployment version change? or Camunda upgraded from 7.09 to 7.133? or anything else?

historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTime: “16:20”
historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTime: “16:25”
historyCleanupStrategy: endTimeBased

What History Time to Live settings are you using? You’ll need to either set it on each process definition directly or configure a default historyTimeToLive property.

For now no History Time to Live setup for any of our process. Shall we setup in Application.yaml and it should applies to all BPM flows in our project?

The link I gave above has some additional details, but the historyTimeToLive property in your application.yml will apply as a default to any process definitions deployed in the future that don’t have a TTL defined. For your currently deployed process definitions, it might be easiest to use the REST API to update the TTL.

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ok Thank You