Help start camunda (virtualBox, Ubuntu 32bit, docker)

Hello there.

I’m trying to run camunda community edition on my virtual machine with Ubuntu server 16.04 32 bit on VirtualBox. It was clean Ubunut installat
I installed docker on Ubuntu and executed camunda install commands:

#install docker
docker pull camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest

#run docker
docker run -d --name camunda -p 8080:8080 camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest

After this I check state of docker container and camunda is exited

	# check containers
	docker ps -a
        9f0987a8ea4e	camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest		"/sbin/tini -- .c/..."	44 hours ago	Exited (1) 22 minutes ago			camunda

For the last 2 days I tried to figure out what’s going on and still no answer.

In addition to camunda I installed python (pip), Java, docker-compose.
Later I will try to connect camunda with PostgreSQL, but before that I just want to run camunda and access its welcome-page from my host machine web browser.

Could anyone please tell me where to dig?

I hope you need to setup a database first and then try to startup camunda server, because camunda will create set of tables at first time setup, and by default it will always connects to database at startup of camunda server.

If you want to run without setting up postgres sql, you can configure inmemory H2 database to be connected with camunda.

Datasource & TransactionManager need to be setup.

@konstantinov, what was the output of docker logs < container name/ container id>