Handle Camunda DMN JSON Input and output integrated with BPMN

I have integrated my BPMN and DMN. On start of process instance , I am initializing few variables, feeding them to DMN, then I check the DMN output and pass to gateway to decide for the next activity based on DMNs output.

The DMN output is of the form:


    "nextActivity": {

        "type": "String",

        "value": "Activity3",

        "valueInfo": {}



I used swagger to start process instance with variable. I am getting this error.

  "type": "RestException",
  "message": "Cannot instantiate process definition jfs_bpmn:8:6eff8e0f-6220-11ec-b5f1-4eebbd0ee24d: ENGINE-22001 The decision result mapper 'SingleEntryDecisionResultMapper{}' failed to process '[{nextActivity=Value 'Activity 3' of type 'PrimitiveValueType[string]', isTransient=false}, {}]'"

Please help. Thanks.

Hey @Akash_Gupta,

Could you share your bpmn model and dmn model as well?

Kind regards

Hi @Nele , thanks a lot for responding. I recognised the issue.
First - In DMN I wasn’t specifiying Input Variables
Second - In BPMN, I mentioned an output variable for DMN which I thought will carry the value, which wasn’t required and showed mapping issue because of that.

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