Form failure: The context path is either empty or not defined. When using spring boot starter

I’m trying to use springboot starter (version 3.4) to build Camunda platform but facing the problem Form failure: The context path is either empty or not define.Could you advise on that?my project dir as attachted

Sorry to metion that I’m using the Embedded Task Forms: camunda:formKey=“embedded:app:forms/request-loan.html”>

You are using the wrong annotation. Drop “ProcessApplication” and switch to “EnableProcessApplication”.

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@jeremy_chou, In addition to @jangalinski solution, you need to change the forms path also. change it from /src/main/resources/staticforms to /src/main/resources/static

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After revised according to your advise, I met this.

@jeremy_chou, can you post your forms directory path(snapshot) & forms configuration in bpmn model ?


maps to /src/main/resources/static/forms

Everything following embedded:app: needs to match the path under (but excluding) static.
If this is already the case, frequently a maven clean package helps.

You can first try to access the page outside Camunda tasklist to validate its accessibility:

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thanks very much, it woks.

@rob2universe @jeremy_chou Am following the same steps still my form is not rendered. Kindly take a look of below details.
My folder structure of html file.

Am am able to access the file out of my camunda tasklist as suggested by @rob2universe

My Form Key

Error in form rendering through camunda tasklist

I don’t know where am missing the required stuff. Can any one help me?

You seem to have // in the form key.