Form failure! Form not found!

Hi Community,

I have a Process, which runs perfect on my Computer with Camunda Tomcat Version 7.8. But sometimes I recieve the Error Message “Form failure: Not Found”. After a reinstallation of Camunda Tomcat 7.8 it works fine. For me (Beginner) it looks like a Cache failure. The Problem is that I need to deploy the Process to a Server, where I can not deinstall the Camunda Tomcat. (On the server there is Camunda Tomcat 7.7) And I get the Error Message “Form failure: Not Found”. Do you have any hints to fix this Problem ?

Thank You

Hi @Feidex,

Did you find what causes the problem?
I also have same issue:
In the modeler I declare my html task forms as
I deploy my project application and put the .war file in the deployments folder of the Wildfly distribution.
I’ve installed Camunda Wildfly in 2 desktops and I deploy the same .war file. In the first desktop it works fine, in the second I get the Form failure: Not Found.
Any idea? I’ve read in other topics that using embedded:deployment:forms/myform.html hasn’t helped. Also it’s strange that it works in one desktop and not on the other.
Is there a case it’s a deployment configuration? Maybe in the standalone.xml?


I spoke to our network guy, it was an issue of the server blocking the https other than ip_address:port/camunda and ip_address:port/camunda-welcome. So the forms which are on
ip_address:port/myproject/forms were not accessed.