Find an alternative way to build own history

Hi at all,
I have no opportunity to get the enterprise edition, so I dont have an history of old processes.
One idea someone gave me in this forum is to use Elastic search with Kibana. This worked fine in some parts. However I was not able to get access to the files I uploaded in my processes.
So what I want:
I want to build my own history, that can include files like f.e. pdfs, jpgs, … .

One other idea was to never end the process. The engine would slow down because the runtime database will slowly be filled.

Has anybody an idea how to build his own history without buying the enterprise edition?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Hi MarvinKern ,

We are planning to use Elastic with Kibana for history mostly related to process life cycle . I understand from your post that you have implemented this . Would it be possible to share implementation details and code whether Spring events were used or extending historyhandler .

Thanks In Advance

Thanks for your interest :slight_smile:
I implemented a TaskListener that calls the send method of an ApiSender.class I wrote.
In the Listener it looks like this:

ApiSender apiSender;

Here I call the method of the ApiSender in my listener, with my own history model and the url of the elastic api:, url);

The ApiSender is a simple RestController:

public class HistoryRestController implements ApiSender {

public Object post(Object object, String url) {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    return restTemplate.postForObject(url, object, String.class);


I hope this helps :slight_smile:

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How were you fetching history from camunda platform. Were you directly querying database or you were using API call for fetching history from camunda.
What is the rest call you are using for fetching history.