Feel-Scala integration in spring-boot

In a spring boot app I would like to use a decision table and using input in the form of “myText” or contains(“myText”). The current version doesn’t allow that but it seems with the next version that should be possible.

However, I would like to integrate that already now into my app and tried to follow a guide but couldn’t make it work. I added


and provided a bean FeelEngine. Now I don’t really know on how to proceed. Without feel-engine the program works fine but I need that additional functionality.

Is there anywhere an example on how to fully integrate?

@Jamir, refer the camunda blog post for feel-scala integration with camunda.

Verify that whether you have added dependencies mentioned from below. Make sure to update the bom version and dependency versions to the latest.


And register the process engine plugin in your configuration:

<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration">
    <property name="processEnginePlugins">
           <bean class="org.camunda.feel.CamundaFeelEnginePlugin" />

But that process is from 2017!? Isn’t that the correct one?

Please have a look at https://github.com/camunda/feel-scala/tree/0.10.1/feel-engine-plugin

Since the version 1.11.0, the Camunda integration was moved into the Camunda repository.