Exit a DRD based on evaluation of a row

If we have a number of DMN decisions chained together in a DRD, is it possible to specify at some point that we want to exit the decision evaluation process.

For example within one of the contained DMN tables I wanted to add an evaluation line for variable “age” to say “< 21” then exit, and that exit was to completely bug out of the whole DRD evaluation is that possible?

Is it as simple as getting that line to throw an exception of some form that will short circuit the whole evaluation?


Hi @steve.

No, it is not possible to exit the evaluation of a DRG. All required decisions are evaluated. If the result of the decision (e.g. age less than 21) should influence the actual decision then it must be an input of the decision.

Why do you want to exit the decision?
The evaluation should be fast, so no need to hack into the evaluation.

However, if you want to control the evaluation by yourself then you might want to use a process with business rules (aka decision flow) instead of a DRG.

Does this help you?

Best regards,