Execution Listeners on interrupting event sub processes

Hi everyone,

I currently came across a behaviour of the engine which seems correct but raises certain problems:
When an interrupting event sub process (or an interrupting boundery event) draws a token away from an activity, then that activitys End-ExecutionListeners are called.

I get why it happens, but in our case this is still totally unwanted behaviour. In case of User Tasks there is a possible solution by using TaskListeners, but for ReceiveTasks for example, there is not.

Is there a recommended way of avoiding this problem, maybe by using a “better” pattern?

Thanks in Advance,

Hi @Ben_F,

checking the API I found execution.isCanceled().

Digging through the implementation it looks promising to serve your use case.

I’m curious about your feedback.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier! We´ll try that out :slight_smile: