Error with ProcessInstantiationBuilder execute method

Hi everybody.

We’re facing issue trying to move from 7.11 to 7.13. We’re in a Spring boot app. I try to instanciate a process whith this code:

	return ResponseEntity.ok(ProcessInstanceDto.fromProcessInstance(

where body is Map<String, Object>
whith 7.11, everything’s fine. I updated my pom to upgrade to 7.13.
Now, while invoking execute method, I have an error:

ENGINE-03002 Cannot add TRANSIENT entity with id '7aa98efa-b6c0-11ea-ad48-5cea1d5bd2df' and type 'class org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricProcessInstanceEventEntity' into cache. An entity with the same id and type is already in state 'TRANSIENT'
org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: ENGINE-03002 Cannot add TRANSIENT entity with id '7aa98efa-b6c0-11ea-ad48-5cea1d5bd2df' and type 'class org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricProcessInstanceEventEntity' into cache. An entity with the same id and type is already in state 'TRANSIENT'

With 7.11, it worked. What can I do? I don’t know where to search.

Thank you!

Best regards


I found a way to make it run.
I just externalize in a jar all the camunda dependencies. It works now

Hi @arnaud, could you please clarify what you mean externalize the camunda dependencies. I seem to have a similar problem.